***Political Viewpoint Blog Post***
I was never a huge Bill
Clinton fan. His country-preacher oratory style turned me off. Did I think he
could do the job? Yes. Did I think he did do the job? Yes. But personally, I
couldn’t stand him to watch or listen to him.
When “The Scandal” hit
during his presidency, and coming on the tails of previous allegations of
sexual liaisons/assault accusations, I wasn’t shocked. I also wasn’t
interested. That was for Hillary and Bill to sort out, and I didn’t need to
know about it.
Until he lied. Lying from
my president is unacceptable behavior. Under oath or not. It's the
9th commandment in our current president’s favorite book.
9th commandment in our current president’s favorite book.
Now I no longer cared about
the privacy and marital aspects of it. I wanted to know why he thought he could
lie to us, to the world. Like Caesar’s wife, presidents have to be above the
rules that govern the rest of us. Like it or not, they are role models.
How simple it would have
been, in retrospect, for Bill to have admitted his infidelities and put it down
to being, literally, a dick head. Man up. Do the right thing. It would not have
had nearly the life it took on had he only done the right thing in the
In Yogi Berra’s words,
“It’s like déjà-vu, all over again.”
The latest on 45’s
peccadilloes is the hush money paid to a porn star, the news of which broke on
the Trump’s recent wedding anniversary. This was an affair during the early
years of their marriage. In 2006, his son Barron was born. A few months later
he was having an affair with a porn star.
It happened. She gave an
interview years ago about the affair, before he was a political figure. The
lawyer doesn’t deny paying her through a shell company right before the
election. The lawyer denies there was an affair even though he won’t say why he
gave her $130K. Smoke, fire. You know the saying. Connect the dots, people.
Melania doesn’t get vocal
about the avalanche of infidelity/sexual assault accusations. Oh, she made a
half-hearted stab at defense during the election cycle, but it was lame. He
acted like a bad boy? That makes it okay? Do we want a 70+-year-old boy president?
This news article laid out
the series of observed actions, expressions, and behaviors that seem to say the Trump marriage is in trouble. I’m sorry if that’s true. I
believe in marriage and what it represents. I want their marriage to succeed.
It’s her first. And since it’s his third, I would hope he would have learned
from his previous failures.
I’m sad that this president
seems not to and that his behaviors hurt others. Melania seems to be a bright
woman who loves her child completely. Imagine not only her personal pain, but
that of her son hearing these truths about his father. How can a child
reconcile that kind of hurt inflicted on his mother?
So, we care about all this
dirt. We care because of what it reveals about our president. Disgusting as his
behaviors might be, the real concern we need to have is about the character of
the man representing our beautiful county to the world. Liars don’t have
credibility. His marriage is still none of our business and whatever problems
they have they will work it out. Or not.
I am only concerned about
character and the face of the presidency.
When are Presidents’ peccadilloes our business, if they ever are? Angelica
French says “Sometimes.” http://bit.ly/2DSJdf1
Can the #President and his wife maintain privacy when dealing with #marital
issues? Maybe. Maybe no. @RomanceRighter expresses a political viewpoint. http://bit.ly/2DSJdf1