Are you a writer looking for some interesting personality
traits and quirks to freshen up your characters? Or maybe you’re a logophile,
someone who loves words, and wants to collect more of them. Either way, you’ve
come to the right place.
Welcome to Personality
Quirks A to Z. “Romance Righter” is a blog addressing relationship issues,
including romance, especially in terms of and with applications for writing
novels. Therefore it is the perfect site to talk about personality quirks.
Most days this month (my masters give four Sundays off; I’ll
post on Sunday the 30th) you will find a new-to-you—I hope—word that describes
a personality quirk or trait, even some personality disorders, that I will
define and then give examples for how to create a character displaying those
To avoid the awkwardness surrounding manipulating pronouns,
I am using gender neutral pronouns I wrote an article about in Elementary
English (a publication of National Council of Teachers of English) decades ago.
Heesh for he or she; shis for his or her; shim for him or her, and shimself for himself or herself.
The letters
highlight a problem I have always had with this challenge. There are more words
to choose from than I can reasonably do! This year I intend to stick with just
one word and resist the part of me that wants to give you more as I have in
past years. So I will fight decidophobia, the fear
of making decisions, that plagues Librans like me. One word a day. I promise
Plan to come back often, and let me know in the comments
below how I can find your site and read your musings this month.
Here’s where to find out more about the April A to Z BlogChallenge.